Teachers as Leaders!
National Training for Student Government Officers Baguio, September 6, 2009 Good afternoon, my dear teachers! I am deeply honored to be here today to honor you and hopefully inspire you. Let me begin by showing you pictures of some of the world’s most impressive...
Women Power
President Benigno Aquino III said it himself: The Filipino woman is fierce and strong-willed. History is rife with countless stories of the persistence and perseverance of the Filipina, from Gabriela Silang and Tandang Sora to Corazon Aquino. At the APEC Women and the...
Personal Purpose
Every summer, we facilitate a series of seminars for parents, orienting them about what makes our test preparation programs different from others. More than sharing with them the conduct of our review sessions, we also show parents parts of the materials we discuss...
Summer Break
If you still haven't taken a vacation with your kids this summer, then please, go ahead and do so. Do it now! Summer is one of the most wonderful seasons of the year! School's out, the sun is shining, and the air just seems to have this relaxed vibe about it. Every...
18 women entrepreneurs and their inspiring words
Link: http://www.rappler.com/business/features/80181-women-entrepreneurs-inspiring-words By Ezra Ferraz Published: Thu, Jan 8, 2015 11:30 PM As the new year gets into full swing, many Filipinos have resolutions that go far beyond just losing pounds or saving money:...
Q&A with AHEAD Learning Systems Founder Rossana Llenado on Market-Driving Strategy
Link: http://josiahgo.com/qa-with-ahead-learning-systems-founder-rossana-llenado-on-market-driving-strategy/ Q1: When you founded Ahead Tutorial, what made you decide to focus on students doing well than students having flunking grades? At the time I started AHEAD,...